
Managing Stress Through Mindfulness
Although feeling bouts of stress is fairly normal, extreme stress is increasing nationwide. According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) survey on stress levels, at least 84% of all surveyed adults reported feeling prolonged stress at least once in a two-week period. All in all, these spikes in stress are also said to have caused physical […]
Read MoreThe Mental Health Pandemic
(Picture of me and my daughters on Mother’s Day a few years ago.) The other pandemic that is happening in addition to COVID-19 has been a mental health crisis. In a survey conducted by Mental Health America, there has been an over 93% increase in people seeking out anxiety screening with 80% of those who […]
Read MoreReclaim Your Time
Time scarcity had been a major stressor for me, and perhaps like many of you, at one point or another. “We are the food of time,” Deepak Chopra once said. We can be consumed by the thoughts of time passing. Facing my own mortality when I received the cancer diagnosis over 10 years ago, was […]
Read MoreCracks Allow The Light To Come In
“The wound is the place where the light enters you.” – Rumi It started off a seemingly routine morning getting ready to go paddleboarding. Thinking I would be mindful and not worry about taking my phone to take pictures, I purposefully turned my phone off and put it in the glovebox of my car. Forgetting […]
Read MoreReflections from a Former Intern
Reflections from a Former Intern July 1, a day that marks the new era when student truly becomes doctor. Where hundreds of residency programs start day 1 of the 3 year or longer residency, a life-changing, rite of passage. Where the initial hours start the tens of thousands of hours of experiential full immersion training. […]
Read MoreMindfulness Meditation 101 and Debunking Myths
Mindfulness Meditation 101 and Debunking Myths As my first official blog post on my the new website, I’d like to start at the beginning-the foundation. The stress of the pandemic is far-reaching and more than ever before, people are looking for safe and effective ways to help reduce stress. Many are looking towards more integrative […]
Read MoreCoronavirus Teaches Us About Mindfulness
Coronavirus Teaches Us About Mindfulness If I have to answer one more question about Coronavirus between my family, friends, and patients, I will scream. Actually, not really. I’m grateful for the awareness that the press has brought to a novel contagious disease. I’ve observed over the last few weeks that there is another process occurring. […]
Read MoreIn Memoriam: Cancerversary in the Time of COVID
In Memoriam: Cancerversary in the Time of COVID Today is my 9 year cancerversary. Today I also learned about the passing of two friends. One, while she was piloting a plane enroute to a remote village in Indonesia to deliver COVID-19 tests , and another, my cancer survivor dragon boat teammate, Donna Benson who was […]
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